The first global campaign to reduce all water pollution at source. Go Blue Too! Have you?

Because blue is the color of our planet. And that should not be a surprise since 71% of its surface is water. Green is not nearly enough. Climate change is an issue, certainly. But so is the loss of almost half our coral reefs that are the hub of marine ecosystems. So is the fact that excessive levels of carbon dioxide are making our ocean so acidic in places that shells no longer form properly.

So is the fact that there is an island of plastic debris the size of Texas or France floating in the Pacific. Messy, yes but worse still is that plastic is rubbing down to tiny particles that are eaten by fish. And ultimately by us.
Talking food, fish provide one fifth of the animal proteins eaten worldwide. They are the main anima protein for 1 billion people. Best of all they don’t pass gas. The methane produced by pigs, cows and other land-based quadrupeds is a major contributor to the greenhouse gases. So we should eat more fish provided it is still available, and safe to eat.

Not to speak of oil spills, runoff, dumping, leaking seeping and even estrogen from human contraceptive pills resulting in imposex in organisms that are crucial part to the aquatic food pyramid. Go Blue Too is the campaign to take action for the aquatic environment. That’s the lakes, rivers, seas and oceans providing us with the half of oxygen we breathe and comprising 95% of our blue planet’s life-sustaining volume.

Familiar with those messages, campaigns and products that have “gone green”? Well, going blue is just as important as the world’s waters account for 50% of the oxygen we breathe and significant proportion of the proteins we consume. The world’s waters already absorb half your carbon footprint. When you add other acquatrail components (water pollutants), it’s small wonder that all life forms in lakes, rivers and oceans are really struggling to survive.