Allard Marx

Take a leap for the ocean 

Allard Marx worked for Colgate Palmolive, Amatil and LIG and during that time started a successful consumer foods business in Italy, turned around and doubled a pharmaceutical company in Pakistan and led the reformulation, product line extension and re-launch of five key brand groups across Western Europe, the Middle and Far East.

Once in consulting, he forged the world’s first global travel alliance for National, Europcar, Tilden and Nippon and after forming INCIDE in 1991, the firm has worked for clients including INSEAD, MARC Restaurants, SONY, Dubai Health Authority, HP, Coca Cola, Cathay Pacific, The Economist, Disney, TIME, Northwest Airlines and several others.

Allard speaks four languages and recently published Business Brand Book. His continued work on Delfino Cars spurred Marine Positive.

He lives in Amsterdam and like the other members of the team, travels extensively

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